Be Patient

 tonight I fell wanna cry laoudly, I don't know how to tell to other my difficulties because its mine, I'm sorry I lost my tears...sometimes you meet something that make you angry, make you unsatisfied, and make you sad. but you have to be patient, because you have to believe that all of your problems is a learn for you life. Allah give you problems to make you awasome that we life because of problems, we are growing between problems. every where we will meet uncomfortable situation, people or places. but because of them you can get more learn and you can relized to always be gratefull. Allah give you problems and followed by the solutions. Be Patient... be patient... and be patient...  is the key to reach your successfull.  if you wanna cry, just crying to make your fell comfort. after crying your problems come out with your tears. Always be a good girl and always be patient darling...kiss and hug from the God. 


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