I forgive my self and set my self free

Maybe some of you think that I'm Crazy, I'm unnormal, and I'm stupid girl
without someone say forgive to me I already forgive.
I'm realize that forgiving is not forgetting, It's letting go out of the hurt.

Forgiveness is not always easy, it can be hard but it's important to remember that harboring and the resentment and holding a grudge can hurt you even more. I don't forgive people cause I'm weak but I forgive them cause I'm strong to understand people make mistake to me.

The absence confidence that makes people afraid to face challenges, and I believe in my selfies. I always believe in my heart that what I feeds today it will be I reap in my future. There is not people can guess their future called TAKDIR. 

Never regret a day in your life, because every single day that you pass is a big grace to you. good days give happiness, bad days give experiences, worst day give you lessons, and best day give memories. So, don't forget to always say thank full to our God.


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